
Getting backlinks to your site - link building SEO techniques

Search engines like Google and Yandex are extremely negative about paid links. Most of the articles on getting backlinks state that the main factor is the quality of the backlinks. This means that the better a site links to you, the higher you will rank. Of course, this is not the only success factor in search engine optimization, but it really affects the search engine rankings.

The main goal of search engines is to provide visitors with the best and most relevant results. This is their job. If they give poor quality results, no one will use these search robots. From this point of view, sites with paid links have a bad reputation with search engines.

Imagine a situation - a site with bad content can buy a sufficient number of links and, accordingly, get a leading position in Google or Yandex. This is certainly good for the site, but is it good for the search engine? Of course not. Therefore, the main goal of search engines is to identify sites with truly unique and useful content.

However, this does not mean that all paid links are completely useless. In some cases, paid links may be acceptable.

The first group of paid links that search engines ignore are NOFOLLOW links. In fact, such links are useless, and do not bring any benefit (except traffic). There are, of course, many opinions on this issue, but even if there is any benefit from them, it is not very big. Let's explain. When a search bot visits a website, it follows all the links. The more often he encounters a link to your site, the more often he indexes it.

The more often a site is indexed, the better positions it gets. NOFOLLOW links tell the search engine to ignore them. So these links are only valuable in terms of getting traffic.

Also, links from low-quality and irrelevant sites will not be useful. If you get links from such sites, search robots do not consider them as important. Therefore, if you are submitting a site to paid directories, be sure to review the categories in which you want to place the site. There should be resources with similar topics.

Now let's talk about free directories. Now there are too many free directories that offer registration for almost all sites, but are they always useful? Unfortunately, not all of them will be able to increase the ranking of the site. It is best to register with quality directories. For example, Yahoo directory or Yandex directory. They are not free. But you can also search the internet and find quality free catalogs.

You can buy links, but they must be of high quality and match the theme of your site. If the directory offers immediate payment, opt out of it. Usually, such directories are considered by search engines as low-quality. Only manual inclusion in the catalog can be considered as the only acceptable one.

To buy links, you need to have certain talents. This will help you not to throw all your money away. Of course, buying links is not the only way to get backlinks, so use other methods such as article directories or link exchanges. If you find a quality catalog that matches your niche, it may be just the right time to invest in future success.

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