
Website SEO score analyzer

Get complete technical and SEO analysis for your website.

Get SEO score for your content by over 50 checks.

The best website checker tool!

Check your site for the 50 most critical errors that prevent you from getting to the top of search engines.

Free site audit report includes:

  • Overal website score
  • On-page SEO analysis
  • Technical report
  • Indexation check
  • Meta tags check
  • Content analysis
  • Loading speed test

Improve your website's on-page and technical SEO with our site audit tool

Run a technical and SEO audit now and get a detailed report with all suggestions about how to make better your site and break into the top of Google.

Also, you can check SEO score of competitors' pages. And avoid their mistakes on your website.

Analyze your web page now for free!

Get full website SEO audit

Run a complete automatic website analysis (scan up to 10000 pages). Find ways to get better search performance.

Website SEO analysis tool - screenshot

Need rank checker software? Connect Google Search Console. And check website ranking on google with our keyword position report.

Keywords position report - screenshot

Use Title and meta Description optimizer to get more search traffic.

Keyword suggestion tool - screenshot

Turn on Pro functions. Run new audit on demand. Compare reports. Track changes. Analyze impact of your changes to search traffic.

Get an exhaustive website analysis

  • Analyze any website and for technical and SEO errors.
  • Get list of SEO and technical issues and recommendations
  • Build an SEO strategy.
  • Get full list of issues and recommendations for every page!
  • Fix the most critical errors first
  • Export all issues to XLSX, CSV, or PDF
    • Try PRO version to get more features.

      • Compare website SEO audit reports.
      • Follow of every critical, error, warning, or notice and count your progress.
      • Schedule SEO analysis with Site Audit.
      • Setup notifications for any major changes to stay informed before organic positions drops.

      Focus on most critical errors

      • HTTPS - Is your website secure? Does it follow HTTPS guidelines?
      • Crawlability - Do search bots see your website? What prevents them to crawl the entire site?
      • Internal Linking - Is it easy to navigate through the pages of your site using internal links?
      • Meta data and markup - Are structured data markups added to pages? Do the pages have a good title and description?
      • Site speed - Are the pages loading speed fast enough? Find pages where you need to optimize for speed.


      How to start whole site audit?

      Put your domain name in the top form and click the "Free SEO Audit" button. Wait for all pages to be crawled to get an overall score and number of issues per category.

      How to connect Search Console and confirm site ownership?

      • First log in.
      • Click on lock icon in Keywords column - to go to the keywords report.
      • And then click "Connect Search Console".

      After that, you can access your site's audit from the user menu. You can view keyword position reports for each page, and find LSI keywords or internal linking suggestions.

      How long will it take to scan my entire website with Site Audit?

      Average crawl speed from 10 to 40 pages per minute. It depends on the size of the page and the number of internal links and images. Also, the amount of time for our bot to crawl your whole website depends on the amount of web pages on your website.

      How does website analyzer calculate my SEO score?

      The score is calculated by our unique algorithm for each page - shows the page's ability to be indexed and ranked in search engines. For the entire site, the average score of all pages is shown. If your site contains a large number of error pages, the overall score will be low.

      What kinds of SEO and technical issues can be identified by Site Audit?

      Site audit can reveal all of the most important technical and SEO issues (including crawlability and indexing) that affect search engine rankings. You can read more about reports in our extended guide.

      How many links can be scanned in a single audit?

      You can crawl up to 10000 pages per one audit for free (limited to 5 lvl page depth); Pro users can run more than one audit per site and compare reports.

      Screaming Frog SEO Spider alternative

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