
Screaming Frog SEO Spider Alternative

The SEO Spider is a powerful and flexible site crawler, able to crawl both small and very large websites efficiently, while allowing you to analyse the results in real-time. It gathers key onsite data to allow SEOs to make informed decisions.

Our alternative can crawl up to 10000 pages as free version.

Compare features Screaming Frog VS our Site Audit

Site Audit Free Site Audit Paid Screaming Frog Free Screaming Frog Paid
Find Broken Links, Errors & Redirects
done done done done
Analyse Page Titles & Meta Data
done done done done
Review Meta Robots & Directives
close done done done
Audit hreflang Attributes
close done done done
Discover Exact Duplicate Pages
done done done done
Generate XML Sitemaps
close done done done
Site Visualisations
close close done done
Site Visualisations
close done done done
Crawl Limit
10000 15000 500 Unlimited (limited by memory on device)
close done close done
Crawl Configuration
close done close done
Save Crawls & Re-Upload
close done close done
JavaScript Rendering
close close close done
Crawl Comparison
close done close done
Near Duplicate Content
close close close done
Custom robots.txt
close close close done
AMP Crawling & Validation
close close close done
Structured Data & Validation
done done close done
Spelling & Grammar Checks
close close close done
Custom Source Code Search
close close close done
Custom Extraction
close close close done
Google Analytics Integration
close close close done
Search Console Integration
done done close done
PageSpeed Insights Integration
close close close done
Link Metrics Integration
close close close done
Store & View Raw & Rendered HTML
Clear text Clear text close done
Data Studio Crawl Report
close close close done
Free Technical Support
done done close done
Title & description optimization tool
done done close close
LSI keywords suggestion
done done close close
Internal linking suggestion
done done close close

What can you do with the Site Audit tool?

  • Find Broken Links - Crawl a website instantly and find broken links (404s) and server errors. Bulk export the errors and source URLs to fix, or send to a developer.
  • Audit Redirects - Find temporary and permanent redirects.
  • Analyse Page Titles & Meta Data - Analyse page titles and meta descriptions during a crawl and identify those that are too long, short, missing, or duplicated across your site.
  • Discover Duplicate Content - Discover exact duplicate URLs with an md5 algorithmic check, partially duplicated elements such as page titles, descriptions or headings and find low content pages.
  • Integrate with GSC - Connect to the Google Search Console. Get keyword position repots, LSI keywords suggestion, and internal linking suggestions for any keyword.
  • Check Sitemaps - Discover pages included in sitemap and not included.
  • Find all links to any page - Find all pages that linked to 404 or not canonical pages. Download report in CSV, XLSX or PDF and send to a developer. Check all anchor texts in links.
  • Compare Crawls - Track progress of SEO issues and opportunities and see what's changed between crawls. Find all the changes in the text and metadata to find out what influenced the improvement of the site's position and what did not.

The Site Audit Tool Reports

  • SEO rank – Calculates SEO rank for each page.
  • Security – Discover insecure pages, mixed content, pages with iframe, and list all secure pages.
  • Canonical – Find canonical errors that prevent site indexing.
  • Page Titles – Missing, duplicate, long, short or not relevant to content.
  • Meta Description – Missing, duplicate, long, short or not relevant to content.
  • H1 – Missing, duplicate, long, short or not relevant to content.
  • Word Count – Analyse the number of words on every page. Find pages with low content
  • Content duplicates – Find all content duplicates.
  • Response Time – Find slow pages and fix them first.
  • Crawl Depth – View how deep a URL is within a website’s architecture (limited to 5 lvl for free audit).
  • URI Issues – Underscores, missing "/", parameters in url, or long URLs.
  • 3XX Errors – Redirects – Permanent, temporary.
  • 4XX Errors – All client errors.
  • 5XX Errors – All server errors.
  • Links to page – View all pages linking to a URL with follow attribute, and all anchor texts.
  • Follow & Nofollow - Find all follow and nofollow links on page.
  • Image alt - All images report with alt texts.
  • File Size – Size of Images or to large html.
  • Images over 100kb – Report with all pages containing images > 100kb.
  • Top 100 bigest images – Top 100 bigest size images from whole website in one report.
  • Google Search Console Integration – Connect to the Google Search Console import positions by keywords for all pages. Get LSI words suggestion for all pages. And find pages for improve positions by internal linking
  • XML Sitemap Analysis - Check is there all inportant pages included in sitemap.
  • Structured Data - Find and check structured data on pages.
  • Crawl Comparison - Compare reports to visualize how your site is progressing. Detect changes in title, description and text content.
  • Title and description optimization - SERPs prewiev. Long tail keywords suggestions for each page. Title/description length optimization.
  • Autors report - How well optimized content your writers write. Avg SEO rank and search traffic by author. All pages by author with SEO rank for each article.

Site audit

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