
Scan website for broken links

Broken link checker - is a patr of our free online tool: website SEO analyzer.

It scans internal links for all pages of your domain and found errors:

  • 3XX - redirects (301, 302, 307)
  • 4XX - errors (404 (not found) or 410 (deleted))
  • 5XX - server errors

Our link checker tool - can crawl only html pages without javascript navigation. If your website on WordPress - it should be crowled well.

Broken links report

You can download report in: pdf, csv, xls or print it.

Broken image links

It also scan images.

crawled images report

You can find pages with broken images.

You can check alt tags of all images on your website.

You can find top 100 biggest size images and links to it.

Sitemap broken link check

We also check your /sitemap.xml file and you can find which pages are included or not included in the sitemap.

sitemap check reports

Use this tool before submitting your website to Google. Be shure that you submit correct sitemap and links on your website is not broken.

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