
Website optimization - web page optimization checklist

This is not a complete list of all the checks that are performed by our free SEO site audit tool - check your site, fix errors and beat your competitors.

Meta tags and titles

Too long Title / Description

Max 65 characters for Title, and 300 characters for Desrciption

Duplicate Title/Desrciption

The content of the Title and Desrciption tags must be unique and not duplicated on different pages of the site.

Missing Title / Description

Title says what page you are on. Without a page title, Google won't understand this and you'll get a low ranking. When there is no Desrciption or it seems irrelevant to the search engine, Google can use any fragment from the text and use it for the snippet.

Too short title / description

Title and Desrciption should be capacious and at the same time meaningful, written in detail, well-formed sentences, without abuse of key phrases, capital letters, advertising slogans, etc.

Recommendations for novice SEOs on how to design a Title:

  • The indexing of site pages depends on how the Title is designed, so write about what you can get on the page as accurately and concisely as possible.
  • In the Title, use the main key (product name, service, type of activity) or if this is an article, indicate what a person will be able to find out by visiting your page.
  • Do not use adjectives and quality keywords like “the best phone”, “the best hotel in Lviv”, “the most delicious gingerbread”. Such headlines often increase CTR, but they are also often ignored by robots. So be careful!
  • Do not write page titles like "main - construction company ...". No one cares that this is the main page of the site.
  • Don't copy the title from others. Your page title should be unique and meaningful. Do not borrow the possible mistakes of other optimizers, and do not forget about constantly checking the site for optimization.
  • Do not abuse the usual and special. symbols. Search engines themselves will try to remove or replace them. For example, if you compose the title “Promotion!!! Mass sale and credit at 0% ”the search engine will remove unnecessary characters, or remake the title at its discretion altogether.
  • Don't spam keys. 1 page - one key. There is no need to list everything that is possible. The robot and people simply will not understand what is on the page and will not grab the main key. Keys use in the content.

Recommendations for novice optimizers on how to style the Desrciption attribute:

  • Your page descriptions should be meaningful and engaging.
  • We recommend using icons and special symbols in them to attract attention. So even if you are not in the top positions, they will quickly pay attention to you through bright colors in the snippet.
  • In the description of the page, it is desirable to use the main key of the page in the first sentence. Don't spam your descriptions and fill them with water or just promotional offers, they don't rank well.
  • Do not copy text fragments into the description, the robot can do it for you.
  • Do not copy desrciption from others.
  • Although the desrciption attribute is less and less taken into account by robots in ranking, you should not ignore it. It's great for boosting CTR.
  • Stick to the optimal length. If there is not a lot of information on the page, you should not create large descriptions. But if the page contains a lot of information, try to describe the page well and suggest to robots and people that they can get it on this page.


Duplicate H1 with title

Make H1 different from title.

Missing H1

Title tags are an important part of your site's SEO and are highly regarded by search engines.

More than one H1 per page

Leave one H1 tag per page, as it is the title of the entire page.

The order of H on the page is violated

We recommend that you follow the correct order of headings.


Not used attribute for external links

Use the rel="nofollow" attribute to prevent indexing of external advertising links or links to unverified sites.

Used attribute for internal links

Using the rel="nofollow" attribute for internal links, you lose some of the ability to distribute link weight between pages of the site.

Missing favicon

Add Favicon to site pages.

Too long URL

The search engine may not process pages that have more than 1024 characters in the URL.

Lots of GET parameters in the URL

If there are more than five GET parameters in the page URL, then it becomes difficult to control them and the likelihood of duplicates on the site increases.

Too many outbound links on the page

A large number of outbound links can lead to incorrect distribution of link weight, as well as lead to sanctions from search engines for using search spam.


Pages with configured redirects

We recommend avoiding multi-step redirects, links to pages with redirects, redirects to relevant pages, redirects to non-existent or broken pages, redirects to robots.txt

Used meta refresh tag for redirect

Search engines and users react ambiguously to forced redirects like Refresh or JavaScript. It can also negatively affect the indexing of site pages.


Twitter Card markup missing

The Twitter Card markup is used to create an informative and presentable preview for your Twitter posts with a link to your website.

Missing Open Graph markup

Open Graph markup is used to create an informative and presentable preview for your social media site.

Missing markup

Micro-markup helps the search engine to generate special snippets and recognize the content of the page - the objects that are discussed on the page. Using micro-markup, you can show search robots that certain text or other elements on the page are important and belong to a certain data type.


Too big images

Images of 100KB or more were found on the pages. A large amount of images slows down their loading and loading of the page as a whole.

Missing alt tag

You can read about the importance of filling in alt images in the official guide from Google.

Broken images

Replace or remove broken images.


Pages with Lorem Ipsum

The text Lorem ipsum was found on the pages. Developers often use Lorem Ipsum as the default text when laying out. This may cause the page to be perceived by the search engine as irrelevant, not relevant to the subject of the site, or as a duplicate of other pages on the Internet.

Missing text in Body

The content on the page is important to search engines as an indicator of the usefulness of the page content for users. Fill Body with unique, non-duplicate content.

Page size too large

Reduce the page size to 2 MB.


Pages are blocked from indexing using the noindex tag

We recommend checking whether all pages that are closed from indexing should not participate in the ranking.

Pages closed in the robots.txt file

Check if all of the pages found should not be available for indexing.

The presence of the iframe tag on the pages

Avoid using it whenever possible. If you can't avoid it, then keep in mind that the information inside the iframe tag will not be indexed.

Pages with little text

We recommend increasing or adding text to the site pages.

Canonical links lead to other domains

Don't canonicalize pages on other domains if that page is important to you.

Canonical has a relative URL

Specify absolute page addresses in Canonical

The presence of flash elements on the site pages

We recommend not to use obsolete flash elements on the page.

The canonical tag refers to a different page

We recommend checking the correctness of the rel="canonical" value on the pages of your site. Make sure that the canonical tag contains exactly the pages that you want to be indexed by the search engine.

Canonical tag used more than once

Use one Canonical tag per page.

Encoding not specified

Specify the encoding on the page.

Hreflang attributes

The site is not multilingual

We recommend making the interface of your site as convenient as possible for users from any country. Specify hreflang tag values.

Pages without hreflang attributes

As the name suggests, this check returns a list of site pages that do not have the hreflang attribute specified.

hreflang attribute conflicts in page source code

This check identifies the following issues:

  • no self-referential hreflang attribute;
  • hreflang conflicts in URL;
  • hreflang and rel=canonical attribute conflicts.

Invalid hreflang values

The hreflang attribute accepts invalid values:

  • unknown language code;
  • unknown country code;
  • use of underscore;
  • only the country code is indicated;
  • invalid order of hreflang values.

HTTPS Certificate

HTTPS pages link to HTTP pages

Eliminate insecure HTTP links from HTTPS pages.

There are unprotected elements

Place only secure content on HTTPS pages.

The certificate is not trusted in all web browsers


You may need to install an Intermediate/chain certificate in order to associate it with a trusted root certificate.

Invalid certificate

Check which hostname the certificate is registered to. An example of such a mismatch is your site address, and the certificate is registered at

HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is not supported

Subdomains must support HSTS. To use HSTS, use a web server that supports this technology.

Pages with insecure password entry

Do not use input type="password" fields in an HTTP page.

Self-signed SSL certificate

Contact a certification authority. SSL certificate is not trusted.

Presence of pages with HTTPS in sitemap.xml

Generate a new sitemap.xml file with HTTPS URLs.

Server response codes

Having a large number of 400 response codes can have a negative impact on rankings, so you need to carefully monitor this indicator.

Server response code 4xx

We recommend that you remove this link from the site or replace it.

Server response code 5xx

We recommend checking the server settings and site fault tolerance.

Server Options

Website version with www not responding

We recommend setting up redirects to the version of the site without www.

There is no redirect to the https version of the site

We recommend setting up redirects to a secure version of the https site.

Download speed for computers

Top of page content

We recommend delaying the loading of these resources, loading them asynchronously, or inlining their most important components directly in the HTML code.

Font size and line spacing

We recommend increasing the font sizes for maximum readability.

Long server response time

To decrease this figure:

  • clear the database of garbage and unnecessary options;
  • create caches of pages and binaries of PHP connections;
  • switch to a server with high performance;
  • delete calls to third-party resources;
  • reduce the number of requests to the server.

Using the Browser Cache for Computers

We recommend using the browser cache.

Image optimization

We recommend optimizing images. You need to resize and resave images using an image editor instead of using the width and height attributes in HTML.

Shortcut JavaScript for Computers

JavaScript optimization helps speed up page loading and improves the ranking of the site by search engines.

Shortening CSS Code for Computers

We recommend shortening the CSS code to reduce their size

Server Side Page Compression Test for Computers

We recommend enabling compression to speed up page loading.

Page view area

To enable the wievport tag, you must add it to the Head section of the page code, specifying the desired parameters.

Optimizing the loading of visible content for computers

The correct format and compression of images can reduce their size. Because a larger image will always have a larger file size. We recommend optimizing the loading of visible content. Checking is carried out only on the main page of your site.

Shortening HTML Code for Computers

We recommend optimizing images. You need to resize and resave images using an image editor instead of using the width and height attributes in HTML.

Download speed for mobile

Font sizes

We recommend that you increase the font sizes for maximum readability on a mobile device.

Using the browser cache

We recommend using the browser cache.

Shortening JavaScript code

We recommend delaying the loading of these resources, loading them asynchronously, or inlining their most important components directly in the HTML code.

Visible content loading optimization

We recommend optimizing images. You need to resize and resave images using an image editor instead of using the width and height attributes in HTML.

Setting the viewport tag

To activate the tag, you need to add it to the Head section of the page code, setting the required parameters.

Image optimization

We recommend optimizing images. You need to resize and resave images using an image editor instead of using the width and height attributes in HTML.

Link and button sizes

We recommend increasing the size of links and buttons.

Shortening CSS code

We recommend shortening the CSS code to reduce their size.

Shortening HTML Code

We recommend optimizing images. You need to resize and resave images using an image editor instead of using the width and height attributes in HTML.

Checking page compression on the server side

We recommend enabling compression to speed up page loading.

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