
Keyword density checker

This tool allows you to check the site for keywords density. You can make website keyword analysis for keywords and find the queries that your competitors are advancing on. And also get the keywords for the site and Google Ads campaign.

How it works?

  • This tool finds the most frequently used words and phrases on the page.
  • Builds queries for which the site can be ranked in the search.
  • Selects real search queries for this page.
  • Matches combinations with real queries (if any).

If there are no options for real search queries, then the page is not optimized. Add exact matches of search terms to your site content.

Search queries in the table have frequency and competition indicators, unlike other combinations of words.

Example keywords for page

PS: Good keyword density percentage - from 1 to 3%

I hope you will find that this is the best keyword analysis tool. :)

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